Upgrade Bianca Template from J3 to J4
I have the following display errors after upgrading a Biance template page J3 to J4, which I think has something to do with the template.
1. The "search" (search index) in the module position header2 is incorrectly formatted (image 1.jpg and 1b.jpg)
2. The main posts on the "Home" page menu link are displayed in the post settings with the "Images and links" setting. These are incorrectly formatted after the update and sit above the post instead of to the left of the text (image 2, 2b, 2c, 2d)
3. The "alternative blog layout" doesn't seem to work at all. Since a blog layout setting was selected for a specific category under the menu item: "Club Reports". The frontend display remains empty. The template supplied is used: Category Blog - Alternative (image 3 and 3b)
Link Original J3: https://www.dynamofanclub-sayda.de/
edit: I recreated these errors on a completely different domain with the same template, the same errors.