1. skwebyuks
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Wednesday, 26 March 2014
  4.  Subscribe via email
I would like to add the login form on the right hand side or the top of page (side way) of the every page. How can I do it? I have managed to add the module to the side-col-b already.
can I make the login form on the top of page instead ?

I do not want people to create an account, i want to create one account. so i want to remove the create an account capability. How can I do this?

And another question is i would like to block accessing one page from everyone, but if login as the account I created, the person can login.
so in summery only people know the login, can access to the page.

could you please advice me? I have never done this , so I have a lot of questions.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

SOund likes you will have to create a new module position for your login module as there is no module position in this area of the template. To do so may I suggest the following article... http://www.joomla51.com/tutorials/item/creating-a-new-module-position-in-the-header-area-of-your-template

Wouldn't be a template related issue however your Joomla account creation settings are available at Users -> User Manager -> Options.

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