1. Hatschipu
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Thursday, 03 April 2014
  4.  Subscribe via email
HI there. We have a problem with the slidwhow and its parameters. Once we turn Load jQuery to "yes" Slideshow is working fine on the home screen and few other sites. But we have installed another component which is only working when Load jQuery is turned to "NO". Then Slideshow works fine on the site where component also is loaded. Otherwise when Load jQuery is ON. The Slideshow only works as mentioned on home screen but not on the site withe component and the component feature like mouse over effect and the component itself doensn't work.

Does anyone know how to solve the problem or where the problem comes from. Are there any other features in the template that have to be turned on or off to get the slideshow work with setting Load jQuery "NO"


Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

May I suggest the following extension which among other features will stop multiple copies of jQuery been loaded on your site. We have found in nearly all of such cases this extension to resolve any conflicts...


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  2. Commercial Templates
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