Is the site migrated from J3 to J4 or a freshly installed Joomla 4 installation?
If its a migration, pls delete the HTML folder of the /templates/j51_kodaline/ folder and re-install the J4 version (take care of overwrites, if you have some).
If the error still occurs and it is not a new J4 version but a migration than you could check if its a template problem and set Cassiopeia as default template and check if the error still occurs.
If yes and its a migration, have you checked all your plugins, modules and componentes (that are not Joomla core) if they are J4 compatible?
You could than deactivate the plugins, modules and componentes to see if they are responsible for the error. Especially the ones that are used in a menu item...
Thats what i would do
I searched google about this error and I found this post in Joomla forum:
The reason for this error was an old overwrite in the HTML folder so thats what I wrote above: delete the templates/j51_kodaline/html folder, re-install the J4 version and try again....
Hope this helps