with current topics as data privacy protection and GDPR I want to ask if it's possible to implement an option to disable external resources - or better to switch to a local alternative (like download and replace include path with local path instead of web address). I know about caching and the disadvantage of local hosting and I am not interested in general to disable this, but I would like to have an option for certain projects. This is not a little thing to implement on the fly, but perhaps it's something for your coming joomla 4.0 updates of all templates. Or just something for future releases, perhaps perhaps.
I don't know if I know the details of GDPR right, but I might remember something like website guests shall be informed about cookies, external connections, etc. before entering the real site (which is unreal and I don't know any site which implements this right). But if I want to create a website with a little bit more focus on data privacy then it would be a nice feature to disable external javascript resources etc. I think to create a module to ask the visitior on his first visit, whether this is allowed or not would be overkill right? Just thinking.
It's just an idea and I want to throw it in here, perhaps it's something interesting for the joomla51 team, perhaps it leads to other great ideas, I don't know so... better write this instead of silence. I like your templates anyways and will always recommend them, so... thanks for your effort.