There is a total of 6 color styles available giving your the template flexibility in match the color scheme best suited to your needs. Color styles available are Black, Red, Blue, Green, Bronze and Purple and can be set by navigating to your templates parameters (Extensions -> Template Manager -> J51 [Template Name] and simply selecting the color style of your choice from the 'Template Style' dropdown menu.

animate fadeIn
animate fadeInUp
animate fadeInUpBig
animate fadeInDown
animate fadeInDownBig
animate fadeInLeft
animate fadeInLeftBig
animate fadeInRight
animate fadeInRightBig
animate flip
animate flipInX
animate flipInY
animate lightSpeedIn
animate rotateIn
animate rotateInDownLeft
animate rotateInDownRight
animate rotateInUpLeft
animate rotateInUpRight
animate slideInDown
animate slideInRight
animate slideInLeft
animate rollIn
animate bounce
animate flash
animate shake
animate swing
animate wobble